Hi everyone,
As beginner photographers, we've all been through a situation where we took a well-composed photo but we wanted to add a little bit touch up to make the subject pop or to add some moody emotion in the photo to make people wow. However, when we open the photo in Photoshop or Lightroom, seeing all those buttons, layers and masks just makes us frustrated. Don't worry, we've all been through that situation before. Therefore, I'd like to share with you a Photoshop tutorial video created by Envato Tuts+. The tutor Dan Scott is actually teaching you the basic Photoshop functions step-by-step and you can download the source file provided and follow through.
The tutorial video is 3 hours long and it is divided into 12 sections, from creating layers to skin retouching and finally exporting image files.
Dan explains clearly, you can easily follow through and won't get confused by so many shortcuts in Photoshop.
Each tutorial section is marked in the timeline. You can always go back to certain topic easily without having to sit tight and watch the whole video in a day.
Besides the main learning materials, Dan also provides extra tasks for you to practice the skills you just learned. You may try to play around when you have time. It actually helps you to familiar with the functions and help you remember the skills you've just learned. As we always say, practice makes perfect!
Why wait? Watch now:
Source File: download
Youtube credit: Envato Tuts+
And how do I find your youtube video about it? I've tried typing keywords into the search, but there's nothing. Maybe you can use https://www.screencapture.com/ to re-record this video and add it to this article?